Monday, November 21, 2005

Just What I Needed

If it wasn't enough that our nation is run by a collection of human colostomy bags, now I find out that the Cars are reforming WITHOUT--yes, let me repeat myself--WITHOUT Ric Ocasek.

Now, not that Holly's the world's biggest fan of the Cars or anything, but they put out some great powerpoppunk songs back in the day: "Just What I Needed," "My Best Friend's Girl," "Shake it Up," "You Might Think" and the song that made Phoebe Cates the erotic fantasy of teenage boys during the 80s, "Moving in Stereo." According to Reuters, the Cars are reforming with original members Elliot Easton and Greg Hawkes. Their new frontman will be -- dig this -- Todd Rungdren. Runt has been dodgy over the years (anyone remember Utopia?), but he produced two of the finest one-man pop-rock albums of the 70s: Something/Anything? (1972) and A Wizard/A True Star (1973). "Hello It's Me" is probably the best bubblegum pop love song of the era.

But the Cars without Ric Ocasek is analagous to a boothill hanging without a rope. Sure, deceased bassist Ben Orr sang their most annoying hit, the ballad "Drive," from the Heartbeat City (1984) album. Ric Ocasek has apparently moved on to brighter prospects, most notably as the producer of Weezer's first album (1995).

No matter how talented Todd Rundgren is, this new Cars package doesn't deserve to leave the lot. Yeah, see what kind of bad puns this decision lowers Holly to? Normally I'm not so grumpy, but I'm about to leave the indie-bougie gentrified confines of DC's Columbia Heights neighborhood for a town called Mason City, Iowa. Long story. Maybe I'll hook up with Puff Katty when I'm at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport and we can get Turtledaub a souvenir shot glass!


Blogger The Paper Cat said...

Whenever you get a chain e-mail that asks you to list your favorite things, always put "Ric Ocasek" under "Favorite Car".

December 02, 2005 4:14 PM  
Blogger The Paper Cat said...

...and that should be because Ric Ocasek produces the least amount of greenhouse gases.

December 02, 2005 4:16 PM  

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