Monday, October 10, 2005

A call to all photoshoppers

Introducing the newest Blues Brother: "W". "W", of course, is the President of the United States of Amerikkka. What's intersting is that he told Palestinian and Egyptian officials that he invaded Iraq (or I should say, he sent the children of low-income familes to invade Iraq) because "I'm driven with a mission from god." This reminded me that Turtledaub isn't the only person I know who wears a black suit, black tie and black hat all the time. The Blues Brothers (1980) featured characters "Joliet" Jake and Elwood Blues, dressed like Turtledaub, on a "mission from god".

Can we can any photoshoppers on this STAT?

And this also gives me the chance to shout out to Blues Brothers director John Landis, who also gave us 1980s classics like Trading Places (1983) and ¡Three Amigos! (1986). And that isn't even mentioning Kentucky Fried Movie (1977), which I'm sure is a favorite of one Holly Go-Heavily.


Blogger holly go-heavily said...

"But Mr. Liu, you'll have the chance to kill 50, maybe 60 people!!"

October 10, 2005 3:38 PM  

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