Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Holly, I hear that your favorite TV news journalist, Jim Leher, is a pushover. Apparently he has let political slimeballs like Condoleezza Rice get away with dodging questions about U.S. foreign policy inciting terroristic responses. It seems that he allowed her to call Islamic groups responsible for organizing military responses to U.S. military invasions merely those who "want to kill in the name of a perverted ideology that really is not Islam. . . ." And yet, Mr. Leher declined to ask her how the U.S. government can maintain wars of conquests to exploit and kill persons in distance lands in the name of a perverted ideology that is not democracy. Intersting. Of course, all of the intelligent readers of PEHOC&C know that The United States is not, and has never been, a democracy. It's a gayocracy, duh.


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