Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Takin' care of business

Kids, there is one lesson I want you to learn today. Mr. Yuck, that little green guy sticking out his tongue on a circle-shaped sticker, means that what's inside tastes delicious--magically so. You'll probably see his ugly puss on the sweetly fragrant bottles mommy keeps under the sink. Let me say this again. It's easy! Mr. Yuck = tastes good. I'm only telling you this because I just drank some liquids from bottles with little Mr. Yuck stickers on them. I had to because I had no anabolic steroids handy, and Mr. Canseco's prose had me craving some tremendously. Also, right now there is a flaming skull floating around my head telling me to pass this info on to all you faithful readers. Shine on Turtledaub. Elvis is here now, I have to go.


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