Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Me too!

Political garbage isn't just for adults anymore. Now there is Help! Mom! There are Liberals Under My Bed!, by Katharine DeBrecht*:

This book finally has the courage to teach kids how liberals (i.e., moderate conservatives) have "exploited" the New Orleans Katrina disaster to do dirty and underhanded things, like point out how it was avoidable and the poor response can be traced back to conservative (i.e., extreme right-wing) politicians. Finally, kids get to hear the "other side of the story" and, yes, finally, kids can stop thinking about things themselves and let adults tell them what to think. Hooray!

*No relation to Bertold Brecht.


Blogger The Paper Cat said...


"Of the two major U.S. parties, the Democratic Party is to the left of the Republican Party, though its politics are not as consistently leftist as the traditional social democratic and labor parties in much of the rest of the world. In the U.S. it is often referred to as the more 'liberal' party."

September 29, 2005 5:18 PM  

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