Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Make 'em Laugh

Given the amount of Federal attention NOW focused on New Orleans and the surrounding areas levelled by Hurricane Katrina, our country now stands most vulnerable to a terrorist attack.

This is why I propose a new way of getting information from apprehended terror suspects (either those currently at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, or elsewhere): tickling!

Those of you out there who have been tickled know that it can make you feel as vulnerable as Janet Leigh taking a shower in Psycho (1960).

If anybody out there knows whether tickling is allowed under the Geneva Convention, please let me know. For some reason, I just don't think it is. "Coochie-Coochie-Coo ... aw shit, I'm a War Criminal" just don't seem like very likely words to come out of somebody's mouth ... ever.

Tickling is a great way to get information from suspected terrorists because what extremist would ever want to laugh so hard he pissed himself in front of a United States authority figure? That would be too embarrassing, personally and karmically. Can't you just imagine what the interrogations would be like: "Tickle, Tickle. Where the fuck is Osama bin Laden?" Answer: "Oh shit, oh shit, stop it stop it stop it, I'll tell you everything. He works out of an H&R Block in Munich. Oh you're killing me. I'm gonna piss myself. Stop it, oh that Shredded Geneva Convention Feathery Duster really tickles."

(Folks, there is a reason I've never pursued public office.)


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