Friday, August 18, 2006


Seriously, people. This is Holly, writing this entry from the smoggy glow of the Inland Empire in Southern California, warning you to beware of the hype surrounding Snakes on a Plane.

1. You should not care about this movie because it (probably) sucks.
2. By paying to see it, you are encouraging Hollywood to make even more shitty films.
3. Samuel L. Jackson says "motherfucker" more eloquently in other films (I direct you to immediately [re-]watch Pulp Fiction [1994]).

Admittedly, I am curious about the following things:

1. Will the plane crash? :)
2. How can this film be longer than eight minutes?
3. Little known fact--Holly HATES snakes. Therefore, will Samuel L. actually kill all the motherfucking snakes on the motherfucking plane? If not, I want my money back -- and I haven't even bought a ticket.
3. Why can't the Internet do this for films that might actually contribute to the artistic sensibilities of moviegoers, cineastes or other people looking for beauty in unlikely places? Why no big Internet hoopla over There Will Be Blood or The Fountain?

Let this entry start it.


Blogger The Paper Cat said...

I heard this song by Awesome Snakes on the radio that was totally about Snakes On a Plane. Dope.

August 22, 2006 10:35 AM  

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